position:chancellor of germany

  • Des agents secrets américains publient une lettre ouverte à Angela Merkel

    Offener Brief an Angela Merkel

    Amerikanische Ex-Geheimdienstmitarbeiter warnen vor Behauptungen der Geheimdienste zur Ukraine und erinnern an die irakischen Massenvernichtungswaffen

    Wir, die Unterzeichner, sind langjährige Veteranen der US-Nachrichtendienste. Wir unternehmen den außergewöhnlichen Schritt, diesen offenen Brief an Sie zu schreiben, um Ihnen die Gelegenheit zu geben, vor dem NATO-Gipfel am 4. und 5. September Einblick in unsere Sicht der Dinge zu bekommen.

    Et voici l’original en anglais : http://www.opednews.com/articles/Memorandum-For-Angela-Mer-by-Coleen-Rowley-Angela-Merkel_Ukraine_Ukraine_V

    Memorandum For: Angela Merkel: Beware of Fixed Intelligence on Ukraine— Think WMDs

    MEMORANDUM FOR: Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

    FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

    SUBJECT: Ukraine and NATO

    We the undersigned are long-time veterans of U.S. intelligence. We take the unusual step of writing this open letter to you to ensure that you have an opportunity to be briefed on our views prior to the NATO summit on September 4-5.

    You need to know, for example, that accusations of a major Russian “invasion” of Ukraine appear not to be supported by reliable intelligence. Rather, the “intelligence” seems to be of the same dubious, politically “fixed” kind used 12 years ago to “justify” the U.S.-led attack on Iraq. We saw no credible evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq then; we see no credible evidence of a Russian invasion now. Twelve years ago, former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, mindful of the flimsiness of the evidence on Iraqi WMD, refused to join in the attack on Iraq. In our view, you should be appropriately suspicious of charges made by the U.S. State Department and NATO officials alleging a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    President Barack Obama tried yesterday to cool the rhetoric of his own senior diplomats and the corporate media, when he publicly described recent activity in the Ukraine, as “a continuation of what’s been taking place for months now ... it’s not really a shift.”

    Obama, however, has only tenuous control over the policymakers in his administration — who, sadly, lack much sense of history, know little of war, and substitute anti-Russian invective for a policy. One year ago, hawkish State Department officials and their friends in the media very nearly got Mr. Obama to launch a major attack on Syria based, once again, on “intelligence” that was dubious, at best.

    Largely because of the growing prominence of, and apparent reliance on, intelligence we believe to be spurious, we think the possibility of hostilities escalating beyond the borders of Ukraine has increased significantly over the past several days. More important, we believe that this likelihood can be avoided, depending on the degree of judicious skepticism you and other European leaders bring to the NATO summit next week.

    Experience With Untruth
