
  • إسرائيل: مصر رفضت طلبنا بفتح الحدود أمام سكان غزة الفارين

    كشفت إسرائيل الأربعاء، أن مصر رفضت طلبا من تل أبيب بفتح الحدود أمام سكان غزة الفارين من الحرب.

    وقال دافيد مينسر المتحدث باسم الحكومة الإسرائيلية في إفادة إسرائيل “طلبت من مصر فتح معبر رفح أمام سكان غزةالراغبين في الفرار من حرب إسرائيل وغزة المستمرة منذ سبعة أشهر،إلا أن الطلب تم رفضه”.

    • Israël aurait demandé à l’Égypte d’ouvrir le terminal de Rafah pour « permettre » aux habitants de Gaza qui « souhaitent fuire la guerre ».

      L’Égypte aurait refusé, mais la phase finale du génocide de Gaza se rapproche.

    • https://thecradle.co/articles/egypt-dismisses-israeli-scheme-for-reopening-of-rafah-crossing-report

      Egyptian officials have shot down an Israeli proposal to coordinate the reopening of the Rafah crossing into Gaza and to “manage its future operation,” according to Egyptian sources who spoke with Reuters.

      Shin Bet officials reportedly presented the plan to Cairo on 15 May, which included “a mechanism for how to manage the crossing after an Israeli withdrawal.”

      The Israeli delegation traveled to the neighboring nation “mainly to discuss matters around Rafah, given recent developments,” according to an official in Tel Aviv cited by the British news outlet.

      Israeli spokesman David Mencer on Wednesday claimed Egypt rejected an Israeli request to open Rafah to Gazan civilians who wish to flee.

      These comments were followed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accusing Cairo of holding the people of Gaza “hostage” by not working with Israel.

      “I mean, that’s not our problem. We’re not holding up the opening of Rafah,” Netanyahu said just one week after the Israeli military violently took control of the Rafah crossing.

      “I hope Egypt considers what I’m saying now. Nobody should hold the Palestinian population hostage in any way, and I’m not holding them hostage,” the Israeli premier, who faces charges of genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and a possible arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court (ICC), added.

      In response, Cairo denounced what it described as “desperate attempts” to shift blame for the blockage of aid.